In December, we remind our children about the prophets that we celebrate and look up to.
Year One’s learnt about patience and Faith from Nuh (A.S) who called to his people for 950 years. And from Yunus (A.S), they learnt we must be patient with mankind. And when you make dua, keep repeating them and don’t lose hope. The classroom was transformed into an ocean!
Year Two’s learnt about the story of Musa (A.S). They learnt that Allah is the best of planners and to trust Allah even in difficult situations. The children created Islamic gardens, and used jelly to recreate the splitting of the sea.
Year Three’s studied the story of Prophet Yusuf and how we should forgive and show mercy to those who offend you. Allah gives honour to whom he wishes.
Year Four’s looked at the life of Maryam (A.S) as well as the miraculous life of Prophet Eesa (A.S). Through the story of Maryam, we learn that we are all servants of Allah, and that women can also work in the path of Allah. Year Four’s studied different masaajids and created their own.
With the story of Sulayman (A.S) and Dawood (A.S), Year Five’s learnt that anything is possible with the help of Allah swt, and that his help is sufficient. Year 5’s created their own origami birds and a student brought in his bird!
Year 6 familiarised themselves with the 25 prophets and what is mentioned about them in the Quran. They then sewed the prophets name on fabric.