The children at Al-Islamia spend the holidays creating games. Below are the images of all the games that were made and played. Why don’t you have a go at playing one of them?
WINNER KS1 Muhammad P Y1 – Board Game WINNER KS1 Muhammad P Y1 – Instructions WINNER LKS2 Khadeejah M Y3 Game Board WINNER LKS2 Khadeejah M Y3 Instructions WINNER Khadeejah D Y6 SECOND KS1 Nusaibah M Y1 Game Board SECOND KS1 Nusaibah M Y1 – Instructions SECOND LKS2 Faatimah P Game Board SECOND Faatimah P Instructions SECOND UKS2 Muhammad Husayn R Y6 THIRD KS1 Umar M Y2 THIRD LKS2 Khadeejah P Game Board THIRD LKS2 Khadeejah P Instructions THIRD UKS2 Abdul Razzaq M Y6 Sunzeda R Y2 Zainab M Y6 Maryam V Y4 Instructions Uthmaan M Y1 Maryam V Y4 Board Game Jafar D Y4 Hafsa D Y2 Fatimah P Y2 Aicha D Y4 Abubakr M Y2