Crazy Science – Solid or Liquid?
As part of knowledge value, Year Two’s have been learning about different materials and their state of matter. They investigated whether a solution of cornflour and water was solid or a liquid and found that it is neither. This solution is called non-Newtonian fluid.
Crazy Science – Oil and Water.
Year Two’s have been learning about different liquids including oil and water. They investigated whether these liquids would mix and if they could make lava lamps by adding a gas-creating substance.
Crazy Science – How to make slime.
They have been learning about different solutions including slime and investigated the rigidity and elasticity of slime.
Crazy Science – How to make bubbles?
Year Two’s investigated what solutions create bubbly water and whether bubbles could be made within bubbles.
Crazy Science – Rainbow explosion
Year Two’s have been learning about how different chemicals react. They found that when combined they cause an explosive solution.