Al-Islamia Institute for Education

Returning to School

Message from the Headteacher

Respected Parents/Carers,

Assalāmu ʿAlaykum wa Raḥmatullāhi wa Barakātuh,

We hope and pray this message finds you in the best of health, spiritually and physically.

As we approach the end of the summer break the Government has asked all primary schools to prepare to re-open schools for the Autumn Term 2020. We will be reopening our doors on 1st September 2020 as part of a staggered re-opening.

We are working on and putting in place the following measures as we prepare to re-open our doors:

  • Updating risk assessments
  • Staggered restart
  • Drop off/Pick up facilities and restrictions
  • Bubbles/Groups
  • Lunchtime and breaktime rotas
  • Toilet usage
  • Continuous cleaning
  • School timings
  • Procedures if/when symptoms are identified

We are aware parents and carers will be concerned and worried and there will be many questions around the safety and logistics in getting their children back to school. We would like to reassure everyone that we will have all the measures in place to ensure that the school is a safe place for our children to attend. Leicester City Council have written a letter to parents which we have attached above and also set up a Return to School webpage to help parents and carers. Please click the following link to answer questions you may have:

Although we now have the possession of the new building, we are still awaiting the official paperwork to come through to allow us to transfer the school into the new setting. Until then, the school will re-open in the old building. As you are aware, we are restricted due to limited space and will be putting restrictions and guidance in place to allow us to open and operate in accordance with the guidelines.

We will provide more details closer to opening times to parents who still wish their children to attend Al-Islamia.

We have already sent out a form for parents to fill out and return. We have received the information we requested. We will collate all this and will be sending out further documents to those parents who have chosen to retain their child/ren’s place at Al-Islamia

Please m​ake dua that the Almighty alleviates this situation and creates a more safe and healthy environment for us all and we are able to better serve our children for their future.

Jazākumullāhu Khairā,


(Molana) Zubair Kola.